Reading Time: 4 minutes

I will start off by saying that this is a broad generalization that I do not agree with. Christianity is more than a building, a routine, our dressing, or a statue we carry with us. Being a Christian is simply having God in the center of our lives, and continuously working and living to be “Christ-like in all that we do so that we can be Christians of actions and truth, not just with our words

It is knowing that I serve a God that loved me way before I even chose to be a Christian. He loved me so much that he gave his only son to pay the price of reconciliation and bridge the gap that sin created between us years ago 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, Ephesians 2:8-9. It is knowing that I am loved and chosen by God, and this love is not earned or worked for but is simply unconditional.

I have read and heard conversations that Christians are rigid, condemn lifestyle choices and identify people by their mistakes. I have even seen several movies that portray the same ideology. Correction or disagreement has been misinterpreted as judgement but what confuses me is, if I can argue that Man City is a better team than Man Utd (which is facts by the way), why can I not talk about my understanding of God’s word? If I disagree with an action, a choice or lifestyle, it does not change the fact that God loves you unconditionally—and I am talking about your actions not condemning your entire existence.

Times may be changing, and the world is evolving but God’s word remains the same, the foundation of the word of God standeth sure 2 Tim 2:19. He saved and called us not according to our works but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus. 2 Tim 1:10. John 1:1 tells us that the “Word was God.” So, standing on this reassurance is not rigidity, it is simply standing on the truth. The truth is the truth, and nothing can change this. It changes for no one, no gender, no sexual orientation; it is ageless.

False christians and prophets are everywhere. They have hurt, exploited, abused, and damaged people while claiming to be Christians. In Matthew 7:15-20, there is a strong emphasis on the characteristics of these kinds of people, and if you have experienced pain from them, please know that their actions do not mirror God’s word at all. God loves you. He has a plan and a purpose for you—which is to bring you to a beautiful end and a glorious future—so please do not let the actions of a person or a group of people influence or frustrate you out of God’s love for you.

I want to conclude by encouraging you to build on the rock which is the word of God Matthew 7:24-25. So, when the rain, floods, torrents, and the winds of life come at you in form of false prophets, trials, and temptations; you will not fall or waver because you are standing on the rock. Trials can come from anywhere including the church but when you stand on the word of God, only what God says matters.

I want to encourage you to build a relationship with God today and know him for yourself, I am still challenging myself to do that as well. It pays to know God because when you do, you will see that God is all-loving and he loves all who you have been, who you are, and your entire existence.