Reading Time: 4 minutes

Proverbs 13:20 – He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Friendship has been scientifically proven to help promote brain health, manage stress, make better lifestyle choices, and even increase one’s sense of belonging and worth. I had a distorted view of friendship and assumed anyone with similar interest(s) is a friend; however, as I grew older and understood the concept of purpose more, I got to know that your friends are very important in living a purpose-filled life. We need to understand that we cannot just permit everyone into our lives because he who walks with the wise shall become wise and a companion of fools shall be destroyed Proverbs 13:20; this means your association will make or mar you.

I won’t give tips on who to be friends with or who you let in but if God reveals how much time you have left, would you be more careful with who you let in? We definitely want people to laugh with, travel with and do recreational activities with. Notwithstanding, when it comes to making strategic decisions in our lives and maintaining sound mental and physical health, the friends we keep play a major role.

Choosing friends that you can trust with major decisions in your life can never be overemphasized. I remember being at crossroads with accepting a contract, so I spoke to someone about it. This person gave me a myopic view of myself, and I blindly accepted the terms of the contract based on my trust in the friendship and the person’s experience. Later on, I realized I could have gotten at least 40% more, but I accepted and had to live with the distorted view I was presented with over what the current market value was. This does not mean this person has the worst intentions in mind, but I believe that where you sit determines what you see; therefore, if your friend has a limited view, they share their limitations with you and this is what kills a lot of goals and ideas before they are birthed.

We sometimes make excuses—like they are just my friends, I am the only responsible one, it’s just rants, they are only joking around—to keep bad companions around. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:33 that bad company ruins good manners. If you hang around terrible people long enough, it is just a matter of time before the lines gets blurry and you become like one of them. If your friends do not add any value to your life, if they are condescending and they belittle others, or if they negatively impact your mental health or happiness, I think it is wise to withdraw silently.

You need to choose friends that can pray with you, cheer you up when you are down, inspire you to live a more fulfilling life, and see the greatness in you when you do not. I need to also clarify that friendship is a two-way street, you cannot expect what you don’t give out. Matthew 7:12 clarifies this. Choose to be the friend that you want to see in others, however, it is wise to walk away if it is draining and burning you out. Only stay in such situations if you are led by God.