Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are three topics I steer clear of at work: politics, salaries/compensations, and religion. On this occasion, I had to butt in on a conversation when someone said she was not a fan of Christianity. Curiously, I asked why she felt that way and she said Christianity to her is:

  1. Perfection & whiteness
  2. Rigidity

I have seen movies portray Christianity as a picture-perfect religion that only wants perfect people, but this is far from the truth. We need to understand that the first thing is to take a step of faith by coming to Jesus Christ. Romans 5:6 While we were yet in weakness [powerless to help ourselves], at the fitting time Christ died for (on behalf of) the ungodly. Jesus did not die for perfect people, He died for us as sinners. Romans 8:3 tells us that when the law of Moses could not save us because of the weakness of our sinful nature, God sent his own Son in a body like we sinners have. And in that body, God declared an end to sin’s control over us by giving His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. This means, you don’t need perfection to come to Christ. Come as you are!

Now, when we come to Christ, please note that your current lifestyle is not just going to go away. It takes a daily death to self and constant renewal of the mind to get to that level of transformation that God wants us to be Romans 12:2.

When you fall or make mistakes along the way, please know that in Titus 3:5, He saved us not by works of righteousness, but according to the regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit. If the righteous falls 7 times, you will rise again with the help of the Holy Spirit who is working to help our regeneration and renewal. What matters is growth not perfection.

Here is an illustration:

  • When you start eating healthy and going to the gym daily, do you see results immediately? No.
  • If you work out and eat unhealthy food, will you see any changes in the long run? I doubt that
  • It takes time and consistency to grow those muscles and get results.
  • When you get to your ideal weight or health status, do you go back to living unhealthy and working out less? No. You must remain consistently connected to continue growing as you should.

Similarly, we must keep working towards growth, leaning on God for support and connecting ourselves to the right tools to stay connected and consistent in our walk with Christ.  If you fall or make mistakes, remember, you are under grace. Ask God for strength and get back right up.

We serve a God that leaves the 99 to chase the one. Every life Is equally important to God. Please don’t let anyone convince you that God only cares about perfection, God loves You and he wants you to come as you are. When you are in Christ, ask Him to help you grow in Him…

Part 2  on Rigidity will be posted next week…