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Happy New Year! Wow, I can’t believe i have been away for this long but it feels really good to be back. To start off this year, i felt it would be nice to share an interesting experience from last year

Sometime in October (2021) I left my place at 3 a.m. to get to Ottawa early enough for an 11:20 a.m. appointment. I arrived at around 10:30am—say 7 hours 30 minutes in total. So, Friday morning, I left Ottawa around 2:30am to avoid the greater Toronto traffic towards Guelph; I put the address on my GPS and just got on the road without scanning alternate routes.

I thought the narrow route I was driving on was a 30-minute road to connect to the 401 but to my disappointment, the GPS never re-routed. Instead, the route remained the same; a 2-lane highway with oncoming traffic on lane 1 and my lane going the other way. I tried staying alert on the road, but a combination of oncoming trucks, poor visibility and deer signs instilled so much fear in me.

After driving for about an hour and half, I finally approached a truck and I felt so much relief knowing that I was not the only one going towards the Toronto direction anymore. Although the truck was driving below the speed limit, I did not care, I was just relieved that another vehicle was right in front of me. Then it started raining and the truck made my visibility worse, so I had to pass it.

As soon as I overtook this truck, guess what? The sky was clear and dry, to my amazement. It seemed like the truck had water from somewhere or retained water from a drizzle (no idea), but I discovered that the truck that gave me comfort at first became the same thing I needed to get away from asap since it was splashing so much water on my windshield and making my visibility poor.

After overtaking the truck, everything suddenly felt quiet around me and I just worshipped, then I heard this still small voice in my spirit just teaching me what this experience meant:

  1.  The fact that something feels comfortable, or gives you comfort right now, does not mean you stay permanently in them. As your vision and focus change so does your expectations; so, you have to be spiritually sensitive to learn that lesson. Leave that app, walk away from that addiction, and understand when to move on.
  2. The way through some storms is to face it heads on. Remember when the road felt cloudy and I could not see anything, I was patient enough, cleaning my windshield till my car started notifying me that my windshield fluid was low. Also, the truck was moving way too slow and I was not about to be caught in the GTA traffic. It was after I sped and passed the truck, I got to know that the road in front was clear. All I just had to do was face the inconvenience to get to the better side.
  3. Don’t drive in the middle of the night without checking all possible routes on your GPS.
  4. Sleep for at least 7 hours prior to driving and have a good playlist to keep you awake. You know my relief? With the soaring gas price here, I’m not sure I will be driving that long, at least for now.

This was in the midst of a major project and an external audit at work and I had been praying and asking God for direction. Surprisingly, all God needed was some alone time through this lonely highway to pass the message I desperately needed